A few weeks ago, I got a message about the death of Jim Christina of The Writers’ Block online radio show on LA Talk Radio. Jim had become a friend over the years as he interviewed me several times when I had a new novel published. “Let us know when you have a new book, we’ll talk,” he’d say. I believed him and emailed them with a new publication and was always welcomed. Hopefully, I didn’t overstay my welcome. But he always made me feel at home.
It’s interesting to get to know someone online and never actually meet them in person. I became friends with his wife, Gerry, and his co-host, Bobbi Jean Bell. They were delightful and always made me feel welcome. They read my books and were truly interested in them. But time marches on and Jim was suddenly gone.
This week, I was once again contacted, this time by Bobbi Jean. She and her husband, Jim, had decided to take the slot on LA Talk Radio where she’d once co-hosted with Jim. They wanted to continue the work of supporting writers and have changed the name to Rendezvous with a Writer. I thought this was a wonderful idea and a great way to honor Jim and continue his work. And Bobbi Jean asked me to help by co-hosting part time. I could ask writers to come on the show and help her interview them. I said yes!
This type of work is new to me. I hope I can do a good job in supporting other writers. I want to live up to the memory of Jim and his promotion of other writers.
I agreed to interview Rene Gutteridge Rene Gutteridge on October 20, 2022. What a way to hit the ground running! I am a big fan of Rene’s work. She is a novelist and screenwriter and has a new movie recently released, Family Camp. Family Camp (2022) – IMDb. I met Rene a few years ago at a conference where she presented programs on screenwriting and quickly became a big fan.
Join me on October 20 with Bobbi Jean Bell and Rene Gutteridge as we talk to Rene about her talent as a writer and check out the new online radio show, Rendezvous with a Writer. I think Jim Christina will approve.