Enjoy radio show interviews Thursday, February 4, on the Equestrian Legacy Radio Network and The Writer's Block Radio Show. CAMPFIRE CAFE's special guest is RANDY HUSTON. RANDY shares the music and backstories of his long ranching and Western music career. We welcome the founders of the Bob Marshall Wilderness Outfitters, MACK AND CONNIE LONG, on SADDLE UP AMERICA. Tune into THE WRITER'S BLOCK for conversation with MARK LESLIE, publisher of RUDE AWAKENINGS FROM SLEEPING ROUGH. On Saturday, February 6, join OutWest Shop's Scout, Bobbi Jean, for the OUTWEST HOUR "TOP TEN SONGS MOST PLAYED BY WESTERN DJs AND POETRY FROM THE TOP FIVE POETRY ALBUM CHARTS" heard on public radio KUPR, 99.9FM, Placitas, NM. FEBRUARY 4, 2021 EQUESTRIAN LEGACY RADIO NETWORK CAMPFIRE CAFE FEATURED GUEST RANDY HUSTON 12:00 -1:00pm (CST) Singer, songwriter, cowboy -- Award winner RANDY HUSTONwrites and sings about the modern-day lifestyle of the cowboy. He is a fourth generation livestock producer, and partners with his father on their ranch in New Mexico. He started breaking horses for wages at the age of 14 and spent many years in rodeo arenas through high school and college. He's written some of the most widely recognized of contemporary cowboy music, and his songs have been recorded by some of the "stars" of this genre. ----From Randy's Website Join us for a fun conversation with Randy and enjoy the backstories of his music and long ranching career. SADDLE UP AMERICA FEATURED GUEST MACK LONG BOB MARSHALL WILDERNESS OUTFITTERS 1:00-2:00pm (CST)
BOB MARSHALL WILDERNESS OUTFITTERS specializes in summer and early fall traditional horseback family vacations. With over 30 years of experience in the “Bob”, they will take you into the pristine backcountry for a memorable Bob Marshall Wilderness experience to inspire you for life. Robust smells of campfire coffee and fresh mountain air wake you as you stir from your cot and step out of the tent into a crisp, Montana wilderness morning. This is just the start of your day in the wilderness with a variety of activities from adventure to relaxation. Summer pack trips are by horses and mules and range from 5 to 10 days in length. Ride through lush green mountain valleys, across cold clear streams and over majestic passes. Fish remote streams and lakes teaming with trout, explore and learn about the ecology, history and majestic landscapes of the “Bob”, as you make memories to last a lifetime. ---From the Website Learn more about creating your own wilderness adventrure with Mack Long! Airs live every Thursday on Equestrian Legacy Radio beginning at 10:00am (PST), 11:00am (MT), 12:00pm (CST), 1:00pm (EST).
Publisher MARK LESLIE joins hosts Jim Christina and Bobbi Jean to chat about a December 2020 release, RUDE AWAKENINGS FROM SLEEPING ROUGHwritten by PETER C. MITCHELL. This is a story charities don't want you to read. This is the fate that can befall any of us you don't want to acknowledge. For years you have passed them on the streets, as much a part of your routine as your morning shower, your half-hearted scan of the world's news — fake or otherwise — and the barista who artistically crafts the your morning brew just right or it throws your day off in ways that nobody else understands. awry. "Thank god I'm not like them," you think, sipping your cup of liquid gold. "I could never let that happen to me." Until suddenly – inexplicably – it does. And you discover the life you have built was nothing more than a house of cards that crashed down around you with frightening ease. A spate of bad luck, a poor decision or two, and the ubiquitous 'circumstances beyond your control' conspire to create a perfect storm of events that leaves you cast away on the streets feeling dazed, disjointed, and damned.
OUTWEST HOUR RADIO SHOW FEBRUARY 6, 2021 Show #108 "Top Ten Most Played Songs By Western DJs and Poetry From The Top Five Poetry Albums" What placed on the newly published International Western Music Association chart of Top Ten Most Played Songs and Top Five Poetry Albums? Tune in for songs ranked #10-#1 and poems from poetry albums ranked #5-#1. Four Ways to Listen: 1. Click the link above (when available) 2. 4-5pm (MT) Live - www.KUPR.org or with the TuneIn Radio App 3. Listen to podcasts on this website 4. On demand and subscribe to follow on Mixcloud Follow OutWest Hour Radio Show on Facebook REMEMBER, IT'S ALWAYS A GREAT DAY OUTWEST!
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AUGUST 9 is a day for all those who love to read! National Book Lovers Day encourages you to find your favorite reading place, a good book, a favorite beverage, and read the day away. Looking for suggestions for your next read? Enjoy conversations between authors and readers? Want to know the book's backstory or author's writing process? Here at OutWest Shop, we enjoy writer/reader podcasts, do you? Who do you listen to?? Here are four of our favorites. Click each image for broadcast information. HAPPY LISTENING! HAPPY READING!